Craigslist WTF Frankenstein MGB roadster


I just got back from the Port Saint Lucie area of Florida and I had noticed that there were lots of WTF cars down there. The other thing I noticed is that most of the population drive like idiots.

I’m back home now so will have to pass on the beautiful WTF Frankenstein MGB hot rod roadster.

Deb’s Toy hot rod could be pretty entertaining at the local Cars & Coffee meet. There’s a very good chance that you could wipe it out while leaving, taking a little away from the idiot Ford Mustang drivers that have a hard time driving in a straight line. Is this a cool ride or?

Looks like a respectable build but where’s the top? Is it street legal?

WTF Frankenstein MGB in Florida
WTF Frankenstein MGB in Florida
Craigslist WTF Frankenstein MGB roadster
Craigslist WTF Frankenstein MGB roadster
Craigslist WTF Frankenstein MGB
Craigslist WTF Frankenstein MGB
Craigslist Florida MGB
Craigslist Florida MGB

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