I really don’t need to be taking on any more jobs at the moment but the MGB GT keeps on wanting a little of my time. The engine is ready to be pulled and lots of parts are coming off. As is usually the case I can’t imagine reinstalling the engine and not taking the time making it look great, bringing it back to what it likely looked like when it was new in 1967.
Today’s time was spent removing the water pump fan, the alternator and the front brake calipers. I already have the parts to redo the brakes so at this point have just cleaned them and brought them into my house. I’ll probably go crazy and paint these some cool colour! Thankfully my wife is away at the moment as they are in my rec room on the carpet! I think I’m going to drop the whole front suspension and install new bushings, repaint and make it look fabulous as well. Another job, another parts list.
The fan was a real mess, 50 years of abuse. A little stripper and some new paint and these parts will be very pretty as well. Brakes? All it takes is time.