Lazy way to shoot a photograph


    Being a professional photographer I try to shoot reasonably decent photographs even with the crappy little camera that I’m documenting my MGB GT restoration with. In truth, many of them are pretty bad but they do document the process of my restoration well. When I’m actually out working though I spend hours shooting what I consider well done, properly exposed photos. Self promotion is here. Kevin Oke Stock Photography

    I do enjoy watching people being totally lazy when they shoot. This cute gal in the BMW drove up to a beautiful view of Lake Mead in Nevada and didn’t even get completely out of her car to shoot the photo. It was likely on Facebook within seconds, “I am here”. On to the next destination.

    Lazy way to shoot a photo from a BMW
    Lazy way to shoot a photo from a BMW

    Selfies are anther story. I watched this women video herself walking around Hoover Dam for about 10 minutes. Likely broadcast live for the world to enjoy. I’m not sure if there was any commentary. We shoot more images in a year now than likely all of previous history and most of it’s garbage. Rant over!

    Women shooting a selfie video
    Women shooting a selfie video

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