There is nothing better than taking your MGB GT to the beach with a couple of beautiful women in bikinis, even if the beach is paved. Bring the umbrella and beach balls, hopefully a change of clothes, a few bottles of your favourite brew.
I sure would like to know the story behind some of these promotional photos. MG’s were certainly being marketed to men with a dream; there is one ad for an MG Midget that claims 85% of Midget owners are men and there will be lots of girls relaxing in your passenger seat.
What I can’t figure out is even if I had 2 beautiful women to put into my GT where would I squeeze the second gal? When I was a kid I fit in the back OK, not sure whether any of these babes would fit in the boot. Beach balls, umbrellas, a picnic; perhaps the tight fit wouldn’t matter in the excitement of the moment.
This GT must be one of the earlier ones before the side lights appeared. Looks surprisingly close to mine.