Moving my MGB engine for the final assembly


My 1967 MGB GT engine will go together quickly at this stage with not much left to do except put parts on the block. I decided to remove the engine from the engine stand and put it on a moveable cradle that will also support the transmission. Don’t worry, the engine isn’t pink like in the photo. That’s some condensation that has arrived today so it’s time to get everything closed up before rust starts to happen.

Heavy chain bolted to the MGB block
Heavy chain bolted to the MGB block

Lifting the engine went smoothly with a chain bolted to the block providing the necessary place to pick the engine up with the hoist. I built the cradle out of plywood and 2×6 using the oil pan as a template. Everything fits well and is very secure so it’s time to start building. An added bonus is that I have the engine cradle on a wheeled stand at a good work height.

MGB engine in the new cradle
MGB engine in the new cradle
Ready to add parts to the MGB block
Ready to add parts to the MGB block

This is the block with the back engine plate attached. It finally looks like an engine again and sure looks better than when I started!. One thing I can’t figure out is why I’m short two bolts but that’s an easy item to fix.

MGB engine with rear plate installed
MGB engine with rear plate installed

The front plate has gone on as well. It’s now time to add the gears, timing chain and chain tensioner. This last photo is a good representation of the colour of my “new” MGB engine. I’m very thrilled with the way it has turned out.

MGB engine with front plate installed
MGB engine with front plate installed

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