New fuel sender unit for the MGB GT gas tank


I previously tossed out my 1967 MGB GT gas tank as it had many small pinholes on the top. Attempting to clean the gas tank only made it worse. It certainly wouldn’t hold fuel any longer. in a safe manner. Before you go crazy, I didn’t try to kill myself, that’s water not gas poring out like a small waterfall. I contemplated making it into a garden fountain but I think my significant other might not have appreciated the artistic merit. What a waste to recycle rusted steel.

Rusted out MGB GT gas tank
Rusted out MGB GT gas tank

With new gas tanks costing under $200 I purchased a new one instead of attempting a repair the old rust bucket.  In my case I was able to buy a larger capacity 16 gallon tank from British Parts Northwest for about $135 with free shipping. Keep an eye out for their sales! Can’t beat that.

MGB GT fuel sender unit
MGB GT fuel sender unit

The old fuel tank sending unit still worked but at over 50 years old why chance it so I bought a new one as well. For less than $200 I had a new tank, sender unit, gaskets, fuel tank seating strips and new hardware.

MGB GT fuel sender installed
MGB GT fuel sender installed

Still, everything isn’t perfect. The tightening ring had to be ground down slightly to fit the new tank and I still have a small leak if I add to much gas. It should be an easy fix… hopefully.


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