Politically incorrect Volkswagen ad


It’s amazing what the ad agencies used to come up with. This has nothing to do with MG’s but finding these ads is keeping me entertained and I’m starting a new category for “politically incorrect” vintage ads. Hopefully you will be entertained as well.

This politically incorrect Volkswagen ad is a classic.

“Sooner or later, your wife will drive home one of the best reasons to own a Volkswagen.

Women are soft and gentle, but they hit things. If your wife hits something in a Volkswagen, it doesn’t hurt you very much.

VW parts are easy to replace. And cheap.”

Man, can you see getting away with that now? I’m not saying I would let my wife drive the MGB GT (grin).

Sooner or later, your wife will drive home one of the best reasons to own a Volkswagen.
Sooner or later, your wife will drive home one of the best reasons to own a Volkswagen.

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