The big day is coming! I started preparing the MGB GT engine compartment for painting. I’m hoping to media blast as much of this area as possible and I expect lots of hand sanding will be required as well. The first order of business was to isolate the engine bay from the rest of the car. I first put clean towels on the exterior paint and then taped heavy plastic to the top of the hood channel.
Here we are with most of the car protected with plastic but there are still many items to work on. While I don’t expect to be able to seal off everything I’m going to try.
I wrapped all of the wiring harness with plastic and liberal amounts of tape hold everything in place. Items like fuel lines I’ve covered in tin foil. Hopefully this will hold up if I hit it with the glass media I’m going to blast with.
Filling in the larger areas was easy with pieces of 1/4 inch plywood cut about 1/2 inch larger than the opening. These are held in place with a wooden strip and screws. This should provide a reasonably good seal although some high pressure glass might squeeze through.
Smaller openings like bolt holes and these slots I’ll tape from the back where possible and hope for the best. Hopefully not much sand will work its way inside the car, will find out soon.