Finally spring weather has appeared up here in British Columbia. While it’s still cold outside during the mornings we are enjoying balmy weather in the afternoons. Time to get back to work on my 1967 MGB GT and 1970 Lotus Europa.
The MGB is close to being ready for the road for the first time in 3 years. I need to install the exhaust system, tighten up brake lines and fuel lines and then add oil. Hopefully the rebuilt engine will start easily and the MG will be on the road by weeks end.
I’m presently redoing the rear suspension on the Lotus but that should be finished within a few days. The larger job is redoing the interior with fancy Italian leather. Hopefully I’ll have the Lotus back on the road within a month or so but if my MG is running perhaps that’s not as critical.
These are exciting times and with the caronavirus problems we are experiencing staying at home and working on my cars sounds better all the time.
Stay safe out there!