When the weather gets bad, rip apart your carburetors


Once again a project that wasn’t supposed to happen is happening. After recommending that you don’t take apart perfectly good MGB GT carburetors the weather got bad and I went crazy. I completely disassembled one of my SU HS4 carburetors yesterday afternoon and it was fun. Here the unfortunate carburetor is almost apart, a few small pieces left to strip. I’ll be replacing all the gaskets, seals and the throttle shaft at this point but knowing my history a complete rebuild might happen.

Exploded SU HS4 Carburetor
Exploded SU HS4 Carburetor

I’ve been taking a really soft wire brush mounted on a drill to the parts and they polish nicely. A pretty carburetor is a good carburetor. The big question now is do I polish a little more and then clear-coat these pieces. The last aluminum parts I clear-coated looked fantastic but of course in the long term it would likely be more maintenance.

Polished SU HS4 Carburetor Parts
Polished SU HS4 Carburetor Parts

To make me feel good about this exercise I’ve uploaded a photo of the carburetors before I started the restoration. At this point they have been lightly cleaned. What an improvement!

Tomorrows job… clean carburetor number 2.

MGB carburetor feel good photo
MGB carburetor feel good photo


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