Why are women climbing on the hoods of our favourite cars?


Advertising agencies can be very strange and produce ads and PR materials with weird concepts. For instance, what is it about having women climbing all over cars that would make me want to buy the product?

Yeah, I would love to own some of these cool cars, even having one of the beautiful girls would have been fine at some point but…. if I did own one of these awesome cars I wouldn’t want my gal climbing all over it. Perhaps in the passenger seat beside me, maybe having a drink of wine with me at a nice French restaurant but… not climbing on my car.

I guess women climbing on cars must sell cars though, a little like “Winning on Sunday brings sales on Monday”.

Italia IMX with hot women on hood
Italia IMX with hot women on hood
Corvette with girl climbing on trunk
Corvette with girl climbing on trunk
Concept Car, Bertone Lancia Sibilo, 1978
Concept Car, Bertone Lancia Sibilo, 1978
1971 MGB Roadster with women on hood
1971 MGB Roadster with women on hood
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Lamborghini- Countach with hot bikini chick
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